We received a good question today about teleconverters for the black version of the RF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM Z. The person that reached out said that the black version of the lens with white teleconverters would “look like an oreo cookie”.

I figured it was a good topic to put out there, because I’m sure others are asking the same question.

The short answer, we don’t know. We haven’t heard anything about new teleconverters for quite some time. The last teleconverter that we heard about was a 1.0x-1.5x-2.0x telconverter concept along with a teleconverter design that does 1.4x-2.0x. Unfortunately it’s been crickets on these teleconverter designs for a long while.

It’s been four years since the RF 1.4x and RF 2.0x were announced, and Canon did update their EF teleconverters from time-to-time, but the updates came at 10 year or longer intervals.

We think black teleconverters to go with the new RF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM Z would be a good idea.

Maybe we’ll hear something.

Canon RF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM Z

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  1. As I've said before, an 'all-in-one 1.0x-1.5x-2.0x telconverter' is very unlikely. The patent referenced in the post is a simple adapter patent with 4 elements in two groups. This is not the magic TC we're hoping for. Move along. There was a separate patent for a switchable 1.4x-2.0x TC that was actually for a TC, basically a 1.4x with a second 1.4x in a flip-out design, that one could actually exist.

    To the topic at hand, I like Oreos. The 1.4x would be a regular one, the 2x would be Double Stuf. But I agree that black versions would make sense, though I'm not sure how many people frequently use a TC with a 70-200/2.8 (but Canon probably has a good idea).

    Worth noting that we can already make Oreos with the RF 100-400, RF 600/11 and RF 800/11.
  2. As I've said before, an 'all-in-one 1.0x-1.5x-2.0x telconverter' is very unlikely. The patent referenced in the post is a simple adapter patent with 4 elements in two groups. This is not the magic TC we're hoping for. Move along. There was a separate patent for a switchable 1.4x-2.0x TC that was actually for a TC, basically a 1.4x with a second 1.4x in a flip-out design, that one could actually exist.

    To the topic at hand, I like Oreos. The 1.4x would be a regular one, the 2x would be Double Stuf. But I agree that black versions would make sense, though I'm not sure how many people frequently use a TC with a 70-200/2.8 (but Canon probably has a good idea).

    Worth noting that we can already make Oreos with the RF 100-400, RF 600/11 and RF 800/11.

    Ya don't know what ya don't know. ;)
  3. Well, the difference here is a $3000 lens comes in two colours, and some people care about this sort of thing. I guess some gaffer tape would solve it.
    I get the heat expansion explanation for big "whites" but it seems more arbitrary in this case.
    Would there be any logical reason to differentiate the 2 options in the RF70-200/2.8Z? Hard to believe that buyers of a USD3k lens would be influenced by colour from an aesthetic perspective.

    Has there been any other L lens that has been offered in 2 colours? I thought that this was only for Canon kit lenses and Leica limited production profit making.
  4. I get the heat expansion explanation for big "whites" but it seems more arbitrary in this case.
    Yes, it’s arbitrary like it has been for previous white lenses.

    Would there be any logical reason to differentiate the 2 options in the RF70-200/2.8Z?
    When I see TV broadcasts with videographers caught in action, if they have a white lens it looks ‘jarring’ to me. I’ve never been sure if they just stand out to me because I shoot Canon, or it’s more general. I would think the white lens is aimed at photographers used to them, the black at videographers. Hybrid, indeed.

    I don’t plan on getting either, but if I did it would be in white to avoid confusion with the nearly identical 24-105/2.8 Z.
  5. I don’t plan on getting either, but if I did it would be in white to avoid confusion with the nearly identical 24-105/2.8 Z.
    This is a very logical point to make if one owns both lenses.
  6. We received a good question today about teleconverters for the black version of the RF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM Z. The person that reached out said that the black version of the lens with white teleconverters would “look like an oreo cookie”. I figured it was a good topic to put out there, because I'm

    See full article...

    that will work ;)

    serious note, do the peeps that make lens skins make teleconverter skins too?

    ah yes.

    what type of cookie would this be? Moldy Oreo™?


    on a serious note.

    here you go.

  7. Would there be any logical reason to differentiate the 2 options in the RF70-200/2.8Z? Hard to believe that buyers of a USD3k lens would be influenced by colour from an aesthetic perspective.

    I said to a friend.. black for video and white for ego.

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