Doesn't sound like anything Apple have ever done previously - when do your 'sources' say this is likely to happen? Before the Canon takeover?
Actually, NUMEROUS friends who work at finance and insurance firms such as Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Deutche RE, etc. have told me that Apple is ITCHING and preparing numerous reports on which companies to buy outright in order to support NEW AREAS of growth. The FIRST company that is considered IN THE SIGHTS of Apple within the New York, Chicago, Toronto, London, Tokyo, Singapore finance company sphere is MarkForged which is a U.S.-based 3D metal and plastics printer manufacturer. Apple wants a U.S.-based 3D printing company and MarkForged is IDEAL as the Massachusetts plant can be expanded quite readily and margins will be VERY HIGH once the assembly line is automated further. Apple will ALSO make deals with ALCOA, ALCAN and maybe even NUCOR and 3M to get Aluminum Alloy Powder, Stainless Steel Alloy powder and various Plastic Resin raw materials at a much cheaper bulk price than ANY of their competition!
These printers will be sold for between $3000 to $10,000 USD for the in-home and in-office models and larger more rugged models sold up to $25,000 and $50,000 USD or even $100,000 USD for the higher end warehouse-and-industry-oriented 3D powder metal and plastics laser-sintering and/or Ion Beam/Electron Beam printer models. In order to FACILITATE the 3D printing process there is a CURRENT project within Apple itself, of which I won't divulge names or locations, but is oriented to taking a CURRENT 3D software product and COMBINING CAD (Computer Aided Design), CAM (Computer Aided Machining), FEA (Finite Element Analysis) and Fluid/Gas/Thermal/Electrical Flow Modeling and Simulation AND adding 2D/3D-object Modeling and Animation and a user-extensible 2D/3D-design Automation/Batch Language and built-in List Processing-oriented integrated development environment similar to an HTML/XML/JAVA version of Delphi or Visual Basic into a SINGLE SUITE of 3D-printing software products that will be designed and function in a manner similar to Final Cut Pro but oriented towards 3D metal and plastic resin printing!
The KEY direction from Apple head honchos is that ALL of the 3D-XYZ CAD/CAM/FEA/Simulation/Printing functions MUST BE UNIFIED into a single software product that is accessed from a main toolbar and that ALL functions are EASY-TO-UNDERSTAND AND USE by both home/office users and more xperienced industrial users.
There are over TWO MILLION engineering oriented personnel and companies in just the USA and Canada alone who could use and buy an Apple-sourced 3D printing system. If you sell one $5000 3D metal or resin printer to each, that is $10 BILLION US Dollars of revenue just on the initial purchases alone AND then you can add the monthly resin and metal powder raw materials subscription service at say $500 per month at the low-end for purchasing pre-packaged and quality-vetted raw resin and powdered metal materials that is ANOTHER minimum of $12 BILLION US Dollars PER YEAR of gross revenue!
Add in Europe, China, Japan, South America and Africa and Apple could be looking at selling CHEAPER and EASIER-TO-USE 3D printers than anyone else and making their MOST SERIOUS monthly/yearly revenue from raw resin and metal powder materials sales (i.e. the "Hard Ink" of 3D printing industry!). Add it all up and that is a ONE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLAR+ per year revenue stream that Apple simply CANNOT IGNORE! Add in sales from the Apple Playstore of end-user-designed and end-user-sold 3D printable object files and extensible design scripts, and that's EVEN MORE SALES for Apple!
So again, MY finance friends say MarkForged is ONE primary target for Apple doing a complete buyout of said company! ANOTHER heavy hitter in Apple's sights is Texas Instruments who have vaaaaaaast in-house DSP/CPU/RAM MICROCHIP design and manufacturing expertise usable in multi-layer NAND and other non-volatile computer memory products that COMBINE the function of volatile RAM memory and non-volatile memory hard drives!
Texas instruments I think is one of the companies right at the TOP THREE of Apple's hit list of companies to buy! Canon is a bit more complex because of Japanese Political Sensitivities BUT Apple is ONE OF THE FEW companies who WOULD be allowed to purchase the entirety of Canon! Since Apple really only needs the nano-optics division and image sensor design division, I PERSONALLY suspect that an exchange of patents will take place AND that maybe a Canon-sourced DCI-8K+ resolution at 120 fps C70/R1-oem Cinema Camera version with Apple labelling may be agreed upon for use as a cheap 3D object scanning system AND as a way to introduce larger APS-C sensors into future Apple Smartphones, iPads and Airpad Notebooks!
AND .... That NEW Canon-made high resolution sensor chip and nano-optics tech may be introduced into the CURRENT APPLE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT into 3D Volumetric Displays that use cubic OLED-based pixel wells organized into small 12 inch and more massive 32 inch and 65 inch rectangular blocks of glass mounted onto a rotatable table that has width, length and height very much like the holographic displays you see in the movie AVATAR! This means an extrensive cross-licencing agreement WITH Canon or a POSSIBLE outright purchase of ALL of Canon by Apple! Apple HAS the money to to this type of deal!
Think of all that tech being used in 3D Volumetric Videophone systems, 3D CAD/CAM/FEA design and 3D display solutions and for 3D gaming systems market which Apple ALSO wants a big slice of in order to compete against xBox and Playstation BUT using Apple-only hardware. They WILL NOT come out with a separate gaming box BUT Apple absolutely WILL introduce new 3D-specific Smartphones, iPads and laptops that have 3D Volumetric displays and high resolution APS-C-sized 128 megapixel and/or 256 megapixel image sensors! I EXPECT that we WILL see the first $2000+ iPhone XVI (X-16) coming out with a 3D volumetric display soon enough!
ANOTHER set of companies that Apple is looking to buy in the near future are those that have innovative super-long-lasting BATTERY TECHNOLOGY such as Aluminum-Ion, Aluminum-Sulfur batteries or super-fast-charging Sheet Graphene Supercapacitors. There are some Canadian and German companies that I know of that Apple is looking at to purchase outright!
In terms of a final timeline, I will make a ROUGH GUESS that April, May or June 2023 is where we will see the first mainstream media accounts appearing of an outright deal with a 3D printer company, a memory or DSP/CPU chip company and/or a Battery manufacturer! The Canon deal has been in the works literally for TEN YEARS NOW! Do remember, that over 25 years ago, Canon was supposed to BUY all of Apple BUT NOW the tables have turned and Apple is in a GOOD financial position to outright BUY ALL OF CANON for their HUGE patent portfolio (3rd largest in the world!) after IBM and SAMSUNG!
Now You Know!