Possibly. But nobody ever tried. If the quality was there, and one could use it instead of a telephoto lens of the same price ($1000 range), it could be interesting.
Nobody has tried to market a 250-1500mm 1/1.7" camera for several very good reasons. Firstly, a 24-1500mm would be of the same size (it's the long end that governs the size) and about the same price to make as a 24-1500mm that would appeal to vastly more customers - so why limit your market? Secondly, the niche market, if any, that would use only the very long end would want very high quality, which they wouldn't get with a 1/1.7" sensor (crop factor 4.55, DLA etc) - otherwise why buy such a camera? Thirdly, a 1/1.7" sensor isn't that much of a leap larger than a 1/2.3" in size and quality but it would require a bigger body and lens than a 1/2.3" to give the same f-number and equivalent focal length, etc.