The G5X II as a travel camera has the advantage of an f/1.8-2.8 lens. I find myself in dark, cramped spaces, such as chapels in Italy. So when I need the speed the most, I am shooting at the wide end where the lens is fastest. On bigger cameras out in daylight, I'm shooting about f/8 anyway, so f/7.1 is not crud. But with the small lens and sensor, diffraction becomes an issue very early. Auto exposure chooses wide apertures and low ISOs. I don't know how or when the built-in ND filter kicks in. Maybe that is just for video. So I agree with your travel camera choice. I don't seem on trips ever to regret the 120mm equivalent telephoto limitation. But with cramped interiors and spacious scenic vistas, I could use something wider than the 24mm equivalent. So I resort to taking shots to be stitched once I get home.I was seriously considering buying into the "M" system; as a travel rig. . . but while one or two *lenses* were interesting; most were F6.3-F7.1 crud. I was seeing a few bodies released each year. . .but nothing worthwhile in terms of lenses. This shied me away from the entire product line. I now use a G5x-II for travel. Or an iPhone. Works well enough.