Canon is slowly phasing out the M stuff for many reasons. One is eventually RFS will take the place with tiny bodies and yes tiny lenses. Second reason is to simplify the brand, eventually it will only be RF, RFS and point/shoot. When the R7 and R10 came out is was to target the crop DSLR users as that line has been dead for a long time, they will move into smaller bodies in the future then expand the RFS lens line up and down the focal range. They will take some lenses from the M and the EFS lines and repackage them unless their is a cheaper and easier to manufacture way differently but keep the same specs. Don't forget it will take a good amount of time for the existing stock to sell out still let alone a demand for something new within the M spec stuff. If you have M line stuff and love it then continue to use it, it still has plenty of life for years ahead and by the time you need a real upgrade the RFS line will be at the least rolling with some M like products.