Well, unfortunately your opinion of the EF tc’s vs the RF tc’s isn’t true and certainly aren’t shown that way in Canon’s own MFT charts. The EF mk III versions are slightly sharper than the RF versions.The EF lens is limited to the EF TC, which is not as good as an RF TC - unless one uses a hacked aftermarket EF adapter, seems to work quite well, albeit IS will be a little less effective, since it won't register the change in focal length.
There are two lenses that are identical on the EF and RF mount, the EF 400mm f2.8 LIS III and the EF 600mm f4 LIS III.
Compare the MFT charts for either lens with EF tc’s and compare them to the RF versions (which are the same lens). You will find the EF TC’s are superior in every case (both lenses with both TC’s).
Sure you can use the RF TC’s behind a hollowed out adapter but don’t be tricked into thinking that it’s better than the EF mk III in front of the adapter. In fact I don’t understand why anyone would go to the bother when it’s based on an assumption and not observable fact.