What Leica have always stressed in the past is that, with a (properly adjusted!!!) rangefinder, you could set focus on point. and not on a surface.Pin-head focusing! It still is true, especially for WAs and UWAs. Once you're used to it, focusing a Noctilux is quick and ultra precise, If the subject doesn't move!.For moving motives, rangefinders cannot match the speed of modern AF systems. But, as I wrote, rangefinder precision is fantastic for WAs, yet, the longer the focal...
As to SLR lenses, according to Leica, assembly and lens positioning demands are identical. Sample variations are to 99,?? % excluded through manufacturing precision and constant measuring, not through end-checks, what Canon and co. do or should do...Leica have also stressed that neither chart- nor MTF testing do a lens justice. No lens, except repro ones, are developed for flat-chart photography. Also a reason why I reject D. Abbott's quality conclusions, unless for macro lenses. IMHO using a 15mm WA to photograph a flat chart is nonsense, these lenses are made for street or landscapes. And: who often uses 15mm lenses wide open? I definitely prefer Gordon Laing's Brighton Peer pictures. Unfortunately he doesn't seem to be reviewing Canon lenses anymore, all the latest Canon reviews are "so far", and nothing comes...