Actual pictures. In the real world. Your inability to read parallels your inability to comprehend the big picture. In more ways than one.Which pictures on photonsonphotos. Priceless.
Go back to what I wrote, including the part about delusions and nonsense.
Sensor dynamic range is based on the sensor. The entire sensor. Not one pixel alone. Same for image noise, which is proportional to sensor area, not to pixel size. Photonstophotos uses data from the whole sensor, in aggregate. The same data that are used in generating a picture.
I understand that you’re fixated on the performance of an individual pixel. When you start using a one-pixel camera or cropping all your images to a single pixel, then what you wrote will be relevant. It was somewhat relevant in the days before gapless microlenses, when a higher pixel density resulted in more light lost to the non-photosensitive area of the pixels. But with modern ILC sensors, key image properties such as noise and DR are practically independent of pixel number.
You are free to go living in your personal reality where individual pixel performance matters most and you get to consider those who understand image parameters as delusional. Reality may be beyond your ability to comprehend.