Do you know of good web hosting & e-mail provider? Particularly, if you are a one person type organization where you still to your own website (I use Dreamweaver plus some hand-coding). I have been using startlogic, but am getting really annoyed with them (switching e-mail system with no notice, losing e-mail, support options truncated, unreliable imap connection). I don't think I need anything very complicated:
- html/php capable (no CC transactions)
- multiple domains.
- ftp option
- e-mail with solid web and imap protocols, multiple addresses
- good tech support that can be reached via e-mail.
Maybe a smaller, customer-oriented outlet, rather than a megacorporation where I just don't rate with a silly personal account. Thanks for any leads.
- html/php capable (no CC transactions)
- multiple domains.
- ftp option
- e-mail with solid web and imap protocols, multiple addresses
- good tech support that can be reached via e-mail.
Maybe a smaller, customer-oriented outlet, rather than a megacorporation where I just don't rate with a silly personal account. Thanks for any leads.