Just curious about this issue - it's not something that's come up to me yet but I wondered what the issues were.
If client X wants to buy one image from me, and to have all exclusive rights for that image (which I generally wouldn't do, but let's assume for this that I would) what is to stop me selling an ALMOST IDENTICAL image from the same shoot, maybe the very next frame, to someone else.
Now. I understand there are moral obligations here and certainly if I wanted to keep client X happy that's not something I would do.
But legally, if I am selling ONE image to a client, what rights does that offer them to prevent me selling almost identical images to someone else?
If client X wants to buy one image from me, and to have all exclusive rights for that image (which I generally wouldn't do, but let's assume for this that I would) what is to stop me selling an ALMOST IDENTICAL image from the same shoot, maybe the very next frame, to someone else.
Now. I understand there are moral obligations here and certainly if I wanted to keep client X happy that's not something I would do.
But legally, if I am selling ONE image to a client, what rights does that offer them to prevent me selling almost identical images to someone else?