What is your advice when saving out your photos for Facebook from Photoshop? The compression kills all the fine details as we all know. I have been scouring the net for possible solution then it dawned on me - content creators/photographers probably have more insight and the secret sauce for countering Facebook's infamous compression. I like to upldoad from the desktop. I dont see their "Upload in HD" anymore, has that become a default thing now?
I found this article that was quite helpful. I am also a 3D artist so my renders don't get imported into Lightroom as I do most of my final edits in Photoshop. Is it true PNGs are better for facebook?
I found this article that was quite helpful. I am also a 3D artist so my renders don't get imported into Lightroom as I do most of my final edits in Photoshop. Is it true PNGs are better for facebook?