However, if you are using multiple Adobe programs, then switching to Affinity may not sound wise. Photoshop is highly compatible with the Creative Cloud Suite. If you are already using the complete Photoshop Suite, Affinity Photo would just bring you additional costs on top of the Photoshop subscription that you are already paying for.
It also depends on what all adobe tools of the suite you are using.
Affinity also offers Designer and Publisher which work well together with Affinity Photo as a suite.
So, if you are using the Adobe analogs of those, then you might be able to switch over to Affinity a bit easier.
Of course while they are VERY similar for controls and shortcuts...there are some differences so there will be a bit of a learning curve.
One thing to consider with Affinity, it is brand new from the ground up, the engines are more modern and fun often quite faster than the adobe equivalents doing the same tasks.
There are something in adobe photo and others that are not in the Affinity lineup and of course you should do some research to make sure these aren't things you use regularly and would miss...but so far, I find little in Affinity tools that I needed in adobe, but again, you need to research.
Affinity offers free trials of all their tools, full working versions...so, won't hurt you to download and give a try. And keep an eye out, they do go on sale from time to time. I'd mentioned earlier in this thread, not long back each for those 3 apps were only $25/each....
And I bought in a long time ago, and ALL updates have been free, I've not had to pay another cent yet and they've had some amazing updates...and latest just added speed as a major plus.
Also, I'd put in that their iPad equivalents....well, Affinity Photo on an iPad Pro can't be touched by any other company's offering to date.
Anyway, more food for thought.