Thoughts about SilverFast scanning software?


Canon Rumors Premium
Mar 28, 2012
Hi all,

Per my other thread...I'm shooting a little film, and I need to scan it.
Starting off with 120 B&W film with pinhole camera.

I've seen some video and ready a little that using Silverfast might be markedly superior to using the normal scanning software that comes with Epson (I have the V600).....

Does anyone have experience with SF? Is it worth it? Which version/features do you think are the best as that I see on the site that they have different levels and add-ons...

Silverfast Scanner Software

Thanks in advance for any info/suggestons!!

I don’t know silverfast, I have tons of film which I usually scan with the Canon FS4000US and VueScan from Hamrick as scanning software. VuesCan is far better than the software coming with the FS4000 scanner. I know is an old scanner but the combination of the FS4000 and Vuescan gives very good results.
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I don’t know silverfast, I have tons of film which I usually scan with the Canon FS4000US and VueScan from Hamrick as scanning software. VuesCan is far better than the software coming with the FS4000 scanner. I know is an old scanner but the combination of the FS4000 and Vuescan gives very good results.

Thank you!!

I'll give that a look too and research it!!

What do you like about Vuescan over the native scanning software that came with your scanner?

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I used an early iteration of it years ago when I did some slide scanning and back then it definitely gave a superior scan to the software that came with the scanner. I believe mine was actually included with the scanner! My impressions of it back then were positive and it is vastly more mature now, a lot of the film presets did a good job of neutralizing the film base.

But my OS dropped support for my version license a long time ago and I lost heart in the scanning process. Nowadays I'd far rather rig up a macro lens on a camera and 'dup' it, like we used to with slides, than bother with the scanning process.
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I used an early iteration of it years ago when I did some slide scanning and back then it definitely gave a superior scan to the software that came with the scanner. I believe mine was actually included with the scanner! My impressions of it back then were positive and it is vastly more mature now, a lot of the film presets did a good job of neutralizing the film base.

But my OS dropped support for my version license a long time ago and I lost heart in the scanning process. Nowadays I'd far rather rig up a macro lens on a camera and 'dup' it, like we used to with slides, than bother with the scanning process.

Thank you for the reply!!

Hmm...yeah, I read that SilverFast on their site, said the current iterations won't work with the new OSX Catalina upgrade, but also alluded to that the basic drivers for my scanner may not work if I were to upgrade to Catalina too.

My old MBP I use, is late 2011, still chugging along, but I think I'll end the OSX updates where it is for now to ensure things like my Photoshop CS6 and other Suite items continue to work, in addition to hardware like my scanner.

Hoping when the Mac Pros finally come out, I can get one of those for my media work and keep this one as needed for 32 bit stuff, etc.

Anyway, I digress. I think I'll go with the SilverFast....I'll give the Vue stuff a close look too before pulling the trigger on one of them.

Thank you everyone so much for the input so far!!!

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I used an early iteration of it years ago when I did some slide scanning and back then it definitely gave a superior scan to the software that came with the scanner. I believe mine was actually included with the scanner! My impressions of it back then were positive and it is vastly more mature now, a lot of the film presets did a good job of neutralizing the film base.

But my OS dropped support for my version license a long time ago and I lost heart in the scanning process. Nowadays I'd far rather rig up a macro lens on a camera and 'dup' it, like we used to with slides, than bother with the scanning process.
I also used an early version of it to scan Kodachrome slides. It worked quite well!
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Hi all,

Per my other thread...I'm shooting a little film, and I need to scan it.
Starting off with 120 B&W film with pinhole camera.

I've seen some video and ready a little that using Silverfast might be markedly superior to using the normal scanning software that comes with Epson (I have the V600).....

Does anyone have experience with SF? Is it worth it? Which version/features do you think are the best as that I see on the site that they have different levels and add-ons...

Silverfast Scanner Software

Thanks in advance for any info/suggestons!!


I've used it quite a bit with an Espon V700. I have also used VueScan. Both work, I think VueScan is easier to use in some respects, but I ended up staying with the SilverFast product although at the moment I don't recall why. It has been 3-4 years since I've done any scanning so I don't recall everything I should to give you a more complete answer.
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I've used it quite a bit with an Espon V700. I have also used VueScan. Both work, I think VueScan is easier to use in some respects, but I ended up staying with the SilverFast product although at the moment I don't recall why. It has been 3-4 years since I've done any scanning so I don't recall everything I should to give you a more complete answer.

Thank you for the reply and input!!

Hmm, You know I think I saw they have a trial on the software, I might give that a whirl first.

I have my V850 trays coming in tomorrow, so I may play with this this weekend.

And the SF software isn't all that expensive, so if I experiment it won't break the bank or anything.

Ok, thank you all for all the info so far!!

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Thank you for the reply and input!!

Hmm, You know I think I saw they have a trial on the software, I might give that a whirl first.

I have my V850 trays coming in tomorrow, so I may play with this this weekend.

And the SF software isn't all that expensive, so if I experiment it won't break the bank or anything.

Ok, thank you all for all the info so far!!


I ended up ordering trays from from a place I think was called "Better Scan". I could find that out if needed. I thought there solution was much better for holding non-mounted transparencies and or negative film. The biggest issue I've had with scanners in general is getting the focus both correct and consistent, followed closely by making sure there is not dust on the transparency.

At the time I had a pretty good work flow for getting the scans, file naming, and using exif tool to insert actual information like exposure settings, camera body, film used, etc. into the exif information. I'm sure I would have to go "re-learn" it if I went back to it today.

Here are a 35mm and 120 example scans from the V700 (or 750 can't remember right now) using Silverfast

Sunset over the Ohio by John Cothron, on Flickr

Sundown by John Cothron, on Flickr
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I ended up ordering trays from from a place I think was called "Better Scan". I could find that out if needed. I thought there solution was much better for holding non-mounted transparencies and or negative film. The biggest issue I've had with scanners in general is getting the focus both correct and consistent, followed closely by making sure there is not dust on the transparency.

At the time I had a pretty good work flow for getting the scans, file naming, and using exif tool to insert actual information like exposure settings, camera body, film used, etc. into the exif information. I'm sure I would have to go "re-learn" it if I went back to it today.

Here are a 35mm and 120 example scans from the V700 (or 750 can't remember right now) using Silverfast

Sunset over the Ohio by John Cothron, on Flickr

Sundown by John Cothron, on Flickr
Thank you for the reply!!

ON another thread in this forum:
How About BetterScanning Products

I was asking about those.....I'd seen a video (linked to on that thread) where a comparison showed those to be best out of different tests for wet mounting....but that the regular V850 trays for dry scanning did a bit better....


Well, I'll give what I have coming a shot and see how it goes.

If I really get into this, I might spring for the BS stuff and give it a try...especially if I were to get into wet mounting....

Thank you for your reply and I like the image examples too...especially that B&W one o the water!!!

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Late follow up on this.

I got Silverfast, but it seems to be VERY flaky....crashes all the time, hangs...etc.

I've got the Mac Pro in, and of course, it won't work...even though Epson has put out drivers that will work with Catalina.

I'm installing the epson drivers for Catalina, and going to try the trial copy of VueScan and see if it works any better.

I really liked the vast options that SilverFast gave, but it just won't stay up and working long enough for me....I has connected the old V600 to the old MacBook Pro and used screensharing to use it remotely from the new computer...but SF just keeps being flaky.

Hoping VS will act better.

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I use VueScan with my Canon flatbed and my old Minolta (I think it is) slide and film scanner. It seems to support everything and is upgraded regularly. If you pay for the “pro” version, upgrades are supposedly free in perpetuity. There are very many options, such as multiple passes, bit depth choices, and raw output. I don’t recall it ever crashing. It should run fine under Catalina. I am holding off upgrading the OS until I file my taxes. I think my financial software will be OK, but I’m not taking a chance.

After I finish going through my photos from my fall trip, I hope to scan in more slides from my Eastern European trip from 2000. Besides my usual posting on my web site, I hope to do a photo book for the twentieth anniversary of the trip. The slides I have looked at recently appear to be in good shape. Photoshop ought to be able to take care of any slight fading, and I haven’t seen any fungus or the like.
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I use VueScan with my Canon flatbed and my old Minolta (I think it is) slide and film scanner. It seems to support everything and is upgraded regularly. If you pay for the “pro” version, upgrades are supposedly free in perpetuity. There are very many options, such as multiple passes, bit depth choices, and raw output. I don’t recall it ever crashing. It should run fine under Catalina. I am holding off upgrading the OS until I file my taxes. I think my financial software will be OK, but I’m not taking a chance.

After I finish going through my photos from my fall trip, I hope to scan in more slides from my Eastern European trip from 2000. Besides my usual posting on my web site, I hope to do a photo book for the twentieth anniversary of the trip. The slides I have looked at recently appear to be in good shape. Photoshop ought to be able to take care of any slight fading, and I haven’t seen any fungus or the like.

Do you find the Silverfast software a bit intimidating? I find that there are so many variables that are just plain guessing game. I have a negative scanner that uses Silverfast. Is there a guide anywhere that you know of that would help someone who doesn't feel comfortable? Do you find VueScan easier/better to use?
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Do you find the Silverfast software a bit intimidating? I find that there are so many variables that are just plain guessing game. I have a negative scanner that uses Silverfast. Is there a guide anywhere that you know of that would help someone who doesn't feel comfortable? Do you find VueScan easier/better to use?
I have not used Silverfast. I've been happy with VueScan for many years, so I haven't needed to try alternatives.
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Do you find the Silverfast software a bit intimidating? I find that there are so many variables that are just plain guessing game. I have a negative scanner that uses Silverfast. Is there a guide anywhere that you know of that would help someone who doesn't feel comfortable? Do you find VueScan easier/better to use?
Do you find the Silverfast software a bit intimidating? I find that there are so many variables that are just plain guessing game. I have a negative scanner that uses Silverfast. Is there a guide anywhere that you know of that would help someone who doesn't feel comfortable? Do you find VueScan easier/better to use?

Well, if you're familiar with Photoshop, the most of the controls seem similar....but figuring out some things takes a bit of time trying, using and pushing buttons to see what they do, but it isn't rocket surgery.....

There are a few little things I found out on YouTube videos, with the doesn't work right unless your entire image is in the frame. If you try to scan a frame with some bare negative outside, the image fixing doesn't work properly.

The IR version of the scratch and dust doesn't work with B&W film...only color film. There is a non-IR scratch and dust fix that does work.

The NegaFix module in SF is amazing when you get the framing set right, you just tell it what type film you have and looks GREAT on inversion.

I REALLY want to like it...I love the large feature set...but it just is NOT stable in the least from what I've found.

I'm going to try out the VueScan stuff thing I'm not going to like as much, is that instead of being able to use your mouse to directly move the framing lines, it appears you have to use a slider on the control panel to move them, seems a pain...

The description above mentioning multiple passes, I'm hoping that this is similar to the multiple exposure passes the SF does...neat trick.

I"ll try to report back on my efforts.

I found that Epson now has a 64 bit driver for my Epson V600...Im installing that on the Mac Pro, and will try VueScan trial to see how it and epson scan does.
An interesting tidbit, it appears the Epson 2 driver, etc....does not have ICE working, but if you download it, they will give you a version of SilverFast SE edition free if you enter in your Epson serial number.

I guess I"ll see if that works too....

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The IR version of the scratch and dust doesn't work with B&W film...only color film.

Any IR technique can't work with films that include silver halide particles - their response is identical to visible and IR light, while colour dyes are usually transparent in IR, while dust/scratches are not, so they can be identified. There could be issues with Kodachrome films too, since their dyes have different IR light properties than dyes used in E-6 films.
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The issue that your having with Silverfast is the outdated TWAIN driver... the V600 was, I think was original to 2009 and very dated. If you're using a new or newish mac your probably running into driver issues. Try a TWAIN scan program to find the best match.

I have used VueScan, Silverfast AI, and Silverfast SE plus. On both Mac and Windows 10 64bit. The work flawlessly on both platforms with good drivers. Of the two competing software I prefer Silverfast for more involved work flows. If you're not interested in editing your flow heavily then VueScan is perfectly fine. I currently run the V800 with Silverfast AI and it is superb IMHO.

I develop, scan for less critical projects or image culling, and enlarge for print all at home. 4x5, 120, and 135...

I would avoid BetterScaning carriers as the anti-Newtonian glass is rather a hassle and the returns are minimal over the standard OEM film carriers. In addition the anti-Newtonian glass is treated with acid to produce the surface and will scratch if you look at it sideways. This is a very expensive replacement for such a easily reproducible incident.

With the options you have for at home scanning the very best is wet-mounting. If a critical scan is needed I wet-scan, or if wanting the very best... drum scan outsourced. For 99% of my work wet scans provided the best/most economical scans you can get at home. Check .

I've read a couple of your posts and it seems like your going to film for some of your work. I started this way, own tons of Canon gear but nowadays shoot mainly Leica and MF ( Rolleis, Mamiya and Fuji ) analog. Still shoot digital but prefer film. Crazy I know but even crazier I also shoot pinhole cameras too.It's all good for me.
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The issue that your having with Silverfast is the outdated TWAIN driver... the V600 was, I think was original to 2009 and very dated.

I've put in a ticket with SF and asking if they have the ability to let me use the Silver Fast AI studio I bought on my new computer, now that Epson has put out new drivers that will work on OS X Catalina....

I saw that on the Epson site, where you download the new Epson V600 drivers...they mention that since their ICE implementation is broken, they are giving a link to download a free copy of SilverFAst, hoping if they can do that, they can also get my fairly recently purchased Silver Fast AI studio to work with the new driver and see if I can get some use out of the $$ I've spent with them.....

If what you say is true, maybe the new driver is better "TWAIN'ed". ;)

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