…there are negative points and the quality of the image is affected. The sensitivity management is not very good and the dynamic range is less extensive. And I think we would have difficulty optimizing this, because of the very complex structure of this type of sensor.
Of course, in the future, we will consider whether or not to incorporate these elements, depending on the balance we can find between the advantages and disadvantages. We will therefore have to weigh the pros and cons to determine whether we should take them into account for our future products.
Some professionals say they make fun of having an image with noise, if they can capture a photo without distortion or using a high-speed flash. They therefore accept certain compromises. What do you answer them?
Yasuhiko Shiomi: I am aware of the voices that are being raised to say that they can compromise on one point.
But, if we have to integrate this on our flagship product, our flagship, we want to have complete technology. Thus, image quality is not a point on which we could compromise, it is our philosophy.