I thought a thread for reviews of the R1 might have already existed. If so, please let me know and I'll delete this one.
Anticipating many reviews coming with the R1 about ship, I thought I'd consolidate those that I am aware of and start the thread.
Earlier today Jan Wegener posted his R1 review. He has had a pre-production model for a while and put it through its paces. Short answer, he calls it the best camera body he has ever used and mentioned a scenario where he might make it his primary body with the R5 II used for special circumstances. Cited better AF, apparent better DR, great colors, great EVF and being able to use the AF-On button to go from 20 fps (half press) to 40 fps (full press). He admitted his cons were for extreme situations, namely the buffer (which he did hit) and the 24 MPs (an issue with small birds at a distance according to Jan).
Another wildlife photographer that has his hands on a pre-production model is Fabian Fopp. He talks about falling in love with the camera even though he wasn't all that interested before using it. Cons were MPs and wanted even higher fps.
Of course, there is a long thread on Jeff Cable's comments from the Olympics.
Anticipating many reviews coming with the R1 about ship, I thought I'd consolidate those that I am aware of and start the thread.
Earlier today Jan Wegener posted his R1 review. He has had a pre-production model for a while and put it through its paces. Short answer, he calls it the best camera body he has ever used and mentioned a scenario where he might make it his primary body with the R5 II used for special circumstances. Cited better AF, apparent better DR, great colors, great EVF and being able to use the AF-On button to go from 20 fps (half press) to 40 fps (full press). He admitted his cons were for extreme situations, namely the buffer (which he did hit) and the 24 MPs (an issue with small birds at a distance according to Jan).
Another wildlife photographer that has his hands on a pre-production model is Fabian Fopp. He talks about falling in love with the camera even though he wasn't all that interested before using it. Cons were MPs and wanted even higher fps.
Of course, there is a long thread on Jeff Cable's comments from the Olympics.