Open Source 16K Camera with Multi-Sensor Rotating Assembly And Ultra-Fast Acrylic Lenses Readied for World-Wide Disclosure Under GPL-3 Licence Terms!
January 22, 2022
North Canadian Aerospace, a pseudonym for a privately-controlled, under-the-radar Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada-based aerospace company, is pleased to announce the disclosure of an Open Source 16K video camera that contains a rotating 8-image-sensor block containing the following sensors that all record 16-bits per channel RGBA (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha Channel-based Distance to Subject value) and other EM-bands at the below native resolutions which can be further cropped or re-sampled to any desired resolution via software-based bitmap image cropping and/or resampling:
a) 16,384 by 16,384 pixels RGBA at 1:1 Square Aspect Ratio 120 FPS maximum capture rate
b) 16,384 by 8640 pixels RGBA at 1:89:1 Aspect Ratio at 240 FPS maximum capture rate
c) 8192 by 4320 pixels RGBA at 1:89:1 Aspect Ratio at 480 FPS maximum capture rate
d) 4096 by 2160 pixels RGBA at 1:89:1 Aspect Ratio at 1920 FPS maximum capture rate
e) 2048 by 1080 pixels RGBA at 1:89:1 Aspect Ratio at 7680 FPS maximum capture rate
f) 960 by 540 pixels RGBA at 1:89:1 Aspect Ratio at 30,720 FPS maximum capture rate
(122,880 fps at cropped 540 by 270 pixels)
g) 960 by 540 pixels three-band Infrared temperature sampling (S-IR, M-IR, L-IR) plus Distance-to-Subject Alpha Channel
at 1:89:1 Aspect Ratio at 120 FPS maximum capture rate
h) 4096 by 2160 pixels Short Infrared Band + Full-Band UV + Full-Band X-RAY sampling at 1:89:1 Aspect Ratio at 120 fps
This new large-frame camera (i.e. sensors are larger than medium format) is designed for Video/Film Production Pipelines plus Astronomical and Scientific Imaging at High Frame Rates with full colour fidelity of 48-bits per RGB and 16-bits Alpha Channel/Distance-to-Subject Channel. All Cameras are IP-69-rated for dust ingress and direct water immersion, in addition to Mil-Spec 810-G drop, sudden shock and high vibration-rated for extreme environments needing fully-sealed ruggedized gear. No external casing is required for full salt-water and fresh water immersion of BOTH camera and lenses for up to one year!
This is the FIRST CAMERA in a full line of cameras which will include Stereoscopic, Quadra-Scopic and Multi-Band Single Sensor and Multi-Sensor Systems.
A full set of Laboratory-tested and Cinematographer-measured FAST (i.e. T1.0, T1.2, T1.4, T1.7, T2, T2.4) optical-grade Acrylic-elements Cinema Primes and Cinema Zoom Lens will be introduced shortly. Lens sets can be ordered coated for Cinema Use and uncoated for UV/IR/X-RAY pass-through scientific/astronomical imaging. Lenses are IP-69-rated for dust ingress and direct water immersion, in addition to Mil-Spec 810-G drop, sudden shock and high vibration-rated for extreme environments needing fully-sealed ruggedized gear. No external casing on lenses is required for full salt-water and fresh water immersion for up to one year!
Extreme long-focal length IMAGE-STABILIZED telephoto lenses up to 9600 mm will also be introduced.
Storage is facilitated by Dense-Wave Multiplexing optical image data transfer to in-house designed and manufactured PetaByte-sized SSD hard drives encased within rugged casings that are fully IP-69-rated for dust ingress and direct water immersion, in addition to Mil-Spec 810-G drop, sudden shock and high vibration-rated for extreme environments.
Further Announcements and Product Documentation will be forthcoming by March 1, 2022
This product and all its designs, software, hardware and other disclosures are fully free and open source under the GPL-3 licence terms for both individual hardware and individual software and all combined hardware and software systems.
All Camera and Lens Products will be offered for public sale upon multi-country certification and will be offered as complete all-in-one camera plus lenses packages at very reasonable prices set at a cost-plus-X-percent basis which will pretty much be completely disruptive to the cinema/video production industry! No more ten thousand dollar cameras and ten thousand dollar+ lenses! We are talking 16K video at Canon R5 prices and lenses that are at $1500 USD ranges for full T1.4 and better Zeiss Master Prime or Leica Summilux-C cinema sharpness and quality! We will COMPLETELY DISRUPT THE ENTIRE CINEMA IMAGING INDUSTRY !!!
More disclosures will be coming this winter and spring 2022. We also have advanced 128-bits wide combined-CPU/GPU/DSP/Vector Array processor GaAs superchips (60 Ghz clock speed at 575 TeraFLOPS Linpack-measured at 128-bits wide), PetaByte-sized SSD hard drives and advanced graphene sheet, boron nitride sheet and other polymer super-materials and advanced power production and non-Lithium-Ion-based battery storage systems ready for disclosure.
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