Canon ST-E3 RT vs ST-E 10 - anyone in the know?

Hello dear people of the Canon interwebs,

has anyone had the joy of comparing the ST-E 10 against ye olde ST-E3 RT? My new camera comes this week and I am contemplating a switch between these two models. As far as I can tell the main difference are those:

ST-10 vs ST-E3 RT - Main Differences (as far as I can tell)
  • No batteries, powered by the camera
  • No display, just two buttons
  • Flash controls directly through the camera
  • Substantially lighter
  • Only works with the new hotshoe

Is there anything else I am missing here? Can I control the speedlites the same as on my ST-E3 RT? Or am I loosing functionality in that regard? Or am I better off just buying that damn backordered adapter (AD-E1 it‘s called, I think) and be done with it?

Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks! :)

All the best,
You’ve listed the differences. My ST-E10 works just as well as my ST-E3-RT in terms of controlling a set of 600EX flashes.

But unless your new camera is an R50, you can just mount the ST-E3-RT in the hotshoe and use it. The only reason you’d need the AD-E1 adapter is if you want to shoot in the rain, since the connection between the ‘old’ flashes with sealing and the new multifunction shoe isn’t weather sealed. Otherwise, the old flashes work fine (e.g., I can use my 600EX-RT directly on my R3, as a flash, master or both).
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I learned something interesting about the ST-E10 today – it stores flash function settings onboard.

I'm finally getting around to setting up my R1. After a fingertip wrestling match with the locking hotshoe cover, I mounted the ST-E10 to access the flash function settings, and to my surprise it was set to Group with A-C set to Manual (D and E on E-TTL), and different power levels dialed in for each of the manual flash groups – the same settings I had used the last time I shot with the ST-E10, but that was on the R3. Pretty cool!
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