Currently, the R7 is the cheapest / lowest-spec / only APS-C body with IBIS (correct me if I'm wrong on that).
tl;dr: basically, what are the chances of the next R8 / 10 / etc having IBIS? Are Canon going to keep this as a 'pro' (or at least 'expensive') body feature? Or will it trickle down into cheaper bodies in the next year or two?
My dilemma and random ramblings asking for advice (hey, what else are these forums for?):
I have a 7D (mk1), it's pushing 15 years old but it still does what I ask it (most of which lately is taking photos of lenses I don't use anymore to list on ebay).
I have a bucket of good EF glass, and a few more buckets of non-EF glass (don't ask me to list it*), most of which I started off buying to adapt to EF, then just got into film and shot them on their native 35/MF bodies, and thereafter got the LF bug (you still can't beat a 617 Velvia scanned to half a gigapixel or an 8x10 contact print, or the size and fun of my Voigtlander R3A+40 / R4A+21 combo).
As much as I love film (and still have a freezer-full to use up), the main reason I'm contemplating a new digital body is because I love snorkelling, and may not have quite checked the seals on my Nikonos one day and may have given the shutter a nice salt-water bath 2 years ago.
So for my 40th last year, I got asked and was given one of these (whatever the exact model was, BZ100?).
Beautiful, works great with 7D and 15-85 (hard to zoom in the bag, but fixed 15mm is fine). 7FPS Spray and Pray with an empty card works so much better underwater than 36-shots then get out, rinse and dry everything, change film and go again. But the live-view AF just wasn't there 15 years ago. OK, it's somewhat better than the zone focussing of the Nikonos, but when it hunts, it's slower than fixed hyperfocalling. And some video AF would have been nice when that pair of seals buzzed me last summer and scared the crap out of me thinking they were sharks.
So what I need is faster live-view AF for underwater. I'm assuming pretty much any RF body is going to do that. And in IQ terms, again assuming anything will beat the pants off my 15 year old 7D.
What I want is to be able to adapt all of my other lovely glass* for use above and below the water (mostly above). That's easy enough. But given there's the option of having IBIS with all adapted lenses, not just the EF(s), I'd rather spend a bit more dosh to get it.
Current options are either:
- an R7 now, before any new models are announced, circa $1500-1700 new / used on fleabay
- R6 / 6II are $2-2.5k / $2.5-3k
- As much as I'd love an R5/3 or GFX50/100, I just can't justify anything like that with a kid on the way in Jan, until I win the lottery or pay off the mortgage in 10 years.
So option 1, get an R7 now(ish), maybe black friday / post xmas sale new or try get a cheaper used one. Then save the coins and finally get an R5ii/iii or gfx 50/100 ii/iii in a few years.
Or option 2, get a do-everything r6 / 6ii, it's still faster and better in every other way than the 7D, and just use that for the next 10 years.
But option 3 is the rumours-part: what are the chances that the R8/R10 ii will have IBIS? No matter that they're 'lesser' bodies, anything is an upgrade from the 7D at this stage. And if they've got IBIS, all the better.
Or option 4 with more reliance on rumour: When will R7 ii drop? Presumably not before July next year? And how affordable will it be compared to a good used R6ii? I'm assuming there's no chance an R7iii will be more than an R6ii?Put off the upgrade for another year, then either get an R7ii or a (probably by then much, much cheaper) R7?
Anyway, enough ramblings.
If it weren't for IBIS, I'd just get an $800 R100 exclusively for underwater and be done with it. But I just feel like I should get something somewhat better (especially if there's a chance to do things like use my best portrait lens VM 85/1.8 on a stabilised digital body).
* Well, seeing as you asked: EF(s) 8-16/15-85/70-300L/24/28/35/40/50/85/100, m42Takumar 35/50/120, VM 21/28/35/40/50/75/90, Mamiya645 35/45/80, Pentacon6/Kiev88 50/65/80/90/120/180/300/500, Pentax67 45/105, plus a gajillion LF lenses between 65-600 for 4x5/617/8x10 and other random mounts like a few OM macros etc that I can't be bothered trying to remember.
tl;dr: basically, what are the chances of the next R8 / 10 / etc having IBIS? Are Canon going to keep this as a 'pro' (or at least 'expensive') body feature? Or will it trickle down into cheaper bodies in the next year or two?
My dilemma and random ramblings asking for advice (hey, what else are these forums for?):
I have a 7D (mk1), it's pushing 15 years old but it still does what I ask it (most of which lately is taking photos of lenses I don't use anymore to list on ebay).
I have a bucket of good EF glass, and a few more buckets of non-EF glass (don't ask me to list it*), most of which I started off buying to adapt to EF, then just got into film and shot them on their native 35/MF bodies, and thereafter got the LF bug (you still can't beat a 617 Velvia scanned to half a gigapixel or an 8x10 contact print, or the size and fun of my Voigtlander R3A+40 / R4A+21 combo).
As much as I love film (and still have a freezer-full to use up), the main reason I'm contemplating a new digital body is because I love snorkelling, and may not have quite checked the seals on my Nikonos one day and may have given the shutter a nice salt-water bath 2 years ago.
So for my 40th last year, I got asked and was given one of these (whatever the exact model was, BZ100?).
Beautiful, works great with 7D and 15-85 (hard to zoom in the bag, but fixed 15mm is fine). 7FPS Spray and Pray with an empty card works so much better underwater than 36-shots then get out, rinse and dry everything, change film and go again. But the live-view AF just wasn't there 15 years ago. OK, it's somewhat better than the zone focussing of the Nikonos, but when it hunts, it's slower than fixed hyperfocalling. And some video AF would have been nice when that pair of seals buzzed me last summer and scared the crap out of me thinking they were sharks.
So what I need is faster live-view AF for underwater. I'm assuming pretty much any RF body is going to do that. And in IQ terms, again assuming anything will beat the pants off my 15 year old 7D.
What I want is to be able to adapt all of my other lovely glass* for use above and below the water (mostly above). That's easy enough. But given there's the option of having IBIS with all adapted lenses, not just the EF(s), I'd rather spend a bit more dosh to get it.
Current options are either:
- an R7 now, before any new models are announced, circa $1500-1700 new / used on fleabay
- R6 / 6II are $2-2.5k / $2.5-3k
- As much as I'd love an R5/3 or GFX50/100, I just can't justify anything like that with a kid on the way in Jan, until I win the lottery or pay off the mortgage in 10 years.
So option 1, get an R7 now(ish), maybe black friday / post xmas sale new or try get a cheaper used one. Then save the coins and finally get an R5ii/iii or gfx 50/100 ii/iii in a few years.
Or option 2, get a do-everything r6 / 6ii, it's still faster and better in every other way than the 7D, and just use that for the next 10 years.
But option 3 is the rumours-part: what are the chances that the R8/R10 ii will have IBIS? No matter that they're 'lesser' bodies, anything is an upgrade from the 7D at this stage. And if they've got IBIS, all the better.
Or option 4 with more reliance on rumour: When will R7 ii drop? Presumably not before July next year? And how affordable will it be compared to a good used R6ii? I'm assuming there's no chance an R7iii will be more than an R6ii?Put off the upgrade for another year, then either get an R7ii or a (probably by then much, much cheaper) R7?
Anyway, enough ramblings.
If it weren't for IBIS, I'd just get an $800 R100 exclusively for underwater and be done with it. But I just feel like I should get something somewhat better (especially if there's a chance to do things like use my best portrait lens VM 85/1.8 on a stabilised digital body).
* Well, seeing as you asked: EF(s) 8-16/15-85/70-300L/24/28/35/40/50/85/100, m42Takumar 35/50/120, VM 21/28/35/40/50/75/90, Mamiya645 35/45/80, Pentacon6/Kiev88 50/65/80/90/120/180/300/500, Pentax67 45/105, plus a gajillion LF lenses between 65-600 for 4x5/617/8x10 and other random mounts like a few OM macros etc that I can't be bothered trying to remember.