I originally did this article on CanonNews but talking to Craig about the latest R1 stuff, and whatnot, it seemed like a good idea to update it and redraft it to be more modern. I’m going to keep the initial paragraph the way it was because I think it sets the tone.  My thoughts on this were a long time ago, but as time marches on, some things just stay the same.

Doing some reading I ran across this podcast, even though it’s mostly surrounding the Sony release of the A6400, they talked a bit about the vitriol that occurred when Sony released the A6400, and there were expectations of something far grander, based upon rumor websites. The podcast was essentially blaming rumor websites for unmanaged expectations of what Sony was going to release, and when these grandiose expectations weren’t met, the internet reacted negatively.​

Now, over the years I have certainly seen this happen. Often. Too often, and at times, I’ve been guilty of it myself.  But let’s dive a bit into this and see if we are really to blame for this as the podcast griped about.

Rumors are Complicated

Rumors are all very complicated. You wouldn’t necessarily think so, but it’s gotten far more challenging as the years have gone on. Companies have clamped down on internal leaks or now wait to the last moment to give out information to suppliers and vendors.

Canon has also gotten clever with parsing out information to sources.  For instance, they could tell one source one piece of information, and someone else another piece.   Then they wait to see what information gets leaked out to rumor sites like ours, that way they can quickly identify the culprit and rectify the situation.

This means that we must be incredibly careful with protecting our sources, not only who the source is but also the information that they give us. We must try and make sure we don’t get our sources in trouble.  So, we can only really hand out information if it’s given to us by multiple sources – just so we know it won’t be traced back to a specific company or individual.

With the rumors themselves, not all of it is true. We get all sorts of information, some of it from actual known sources, and a lot of it is anonymous.  What Craig does daily borders on wizardry, as he pulls through all the information and sifts through it, splitting it up into fact or fiction. Each tip we get must be validated and weighed if we think it’s believable and fits in with what others are saying. Just because we get the information, doesn’t mean it’s accurate, as I’ve witnessed some people brag about getting a fake rumor to go viral.

Oh My God the Release Delays

What has complicated release schedules over the past 2-3 years was the pandemic and the most likely triage state Canon was in post-pandemic, with various supply issues complicating releases.  So, it’s made even forecasting when certain products will be released far more challenging.  Our sources may tell us one date, and Canon decides at the last moment to delay the release further, as they can’t build enough or see a path where they can build enough between announcement and release to announce the product.

It makes us look bad, but we are in the same frustrated position as the readers on this one, and there’s obviously nothing different we can do about it.

Managing Expectations

Everything we write in terms of rumors is not a perfect science and as a matter of fact, we can be wrong. That fact may be shocking to some, I know.  We try to remind people of this, but I don’t think a lot of them read that far down the posts 

Rumors are a big part of what we do here (hello – the name of the website) and I try to bring more focus on patents, insight and the industry as a whole. Rumors are still the most important and imprecise part of this website. 

I would like to think that we try to manage expectations as much as possible when we discuss forward-looking rumors and articles, but it’s a curious dilemma, are sites like this one helping the demise of the market by creating heightened false expectations?  For the most part – speaking about Craig and myself, I think it’s a solid no.

I won’t necessarily say out loud that the podcast was just Sony venting that they didn’t meet expectations of the market with a shoddy camera release or anything like that.  That wouldn’t be nice.

We have zero control outside of our domain. Just like with every industry, there are certain websites/YouTube channels that are embarrassing.

Without us, those expectations would be based on what they can imagine, not what the company can or wants to deliver at that price point. If anything, if we do our jobs right, we’re part of the solution by creating a space where the expectations are managed a bit better than purely wild imagination.

I enjoy one publication online that “doesn’t report on rumors”, and then continuously does so. No matter what we here at CanonRumors do, users will still have expectations of what Canon or any camera company will release, and a lot of the time it’s because of other third-party websites or creators. 

Craig, Founder and Editor of CanonRumors

Ultimately, it is up to the reader to realize that what we publish is indeed a lot of the time simply rumors, which may be wrong or just not what you thought they meant. Rumor websites have existed since the dawn of the digital age, and they exist for almost any technology product put there as well. 

I do think we can be part of the solution by recognizing that we do have responsibility for what we publish and how we manage our readers’ expectations, and I think for the most part we do that well, and everyone benefits. Part of that management is in the articles, also part is in the management of the forums. We don’t let things get out of hand on purpose (a special shout out to all the overworked forum moderators, some heroes don’t wear capes).

At the end of it, this website is for entertainment and informational purposes, when we discuss future-looking products, it may be hit or miss. We don’t work for Canon, and as much as I wish I had personal input into what Canon develops, sadly they haven’t contacted me yet (clearly a huge oversight on their part).

But Canon, if you are listening, I really want a 120MP full frame camera, in an R50 camera body for the price of an R100. Make it so, as I’m going to rage post and state Canon is Doomed™ until I get it.

Article Photo by Roberto Tumini 

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  1. I’m always amazed at how upset some people get that, “rumors” aren’t spot on prognostications. Even when rated as just idle gossip for conversation some folks get upset about being lied too. One individual at another forum who shall remain nameless seems to go on a semi-annual rant complaining about “rumors” and those who “believe” them. Seems to me it’s based in a fundamental misunderstanding of what this website is all about.
  2. I’m always amazed at how upset some people get that, “rumors” aren’t spot on prognostications. Even when rated as just idle gossip for conversation some folks get upset about being lied too. One individual at another forum who shall remain nameless seems to go on a semi-annual rant complaining about “rumors” and those who “believe” them. Seems to me it’s based in a fundamental misunderstanding of what this website is all about. ‍♂️

    I partake in a rumors community in another industry that I enjoy, and not once have I been upset when something didn't come to fruition. Most of the time, I was never going to or could afford to buy said product anyway.

    Years ago, I remember rumors about a car, and then they went away. Then another car was announced. When they did a documentary about the announced car, they confirmed the original rumor, but that they had changed course. In the end, what they ended up doing instead was a monumental success. I probably got more enjoyment out of that than anyone else. :)

    I did finally buy that car........ the Lego version.
  3. If we look at many of Canon’s RF releases, they were preceded by bombastic rumored claims about performance that, after launch day, received endless footnotes and/or corrections. The R5 and original R6 were especially bad in this regard, as the hype surrounding them was absolutely excessive. Do rumor sites play a role in this issue? Most definitely, but the leaks didn’t originate with you guys, but rather Canon themselves. And it seems like they have learned to better manage both the leaks and the hype — the latest generation of RF bodies even seems to have swung too hard in the other direction, because they’re often overlooked instead, and launched to much less expectation. Well, that and the whole legal fiasco with Yongnuo, that has definitely cooled attitudes towards Canon as well.

    Will the R1 live up to the hype? Almost certainly not, but I do believe the hype management has been much better on this one, assuming the Adorama “leak” wasn’t such but an honest mistake instead.
  4. But Canon, if you are listening, I really want a 120MP full frame camera, in an R50 camera body for the price of an R100.
    Please give it the body of the R10 since it has a joystick. Other than that, I´d buy four copies of this camera. So it just good business for Canon instead selling only one camera to me :) :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
  5. Good article :) thx for giving a "behind-the-scene" look of a rumors site.

    I´ve kind of given up hoping for the internet or Internet forums to be place for civilized conversation. It is crazy that people on YouTube can make up absolutely fake spec´d cameras and claim SoNiCon has to produce it or otherwise there will a shitstorm...

    I like this forum because there mostly very pleasant people here, very few trolls (compared to other sites) and I like the articles (especially about patents as well as the deal zone). I'll admit, some articles (updates on rumored lens announcements) may seem like clickbait, but I always figure some readers are very happy and eager to hear any news, even if there is little information. Especially, if they're waiting for a particular lens (such as RF 35mm L). If I don't care about that news, I just don't comment or complain (like 70-200mm F2.8 Z) but for other lenses (like 200-800mm) I was happy for a every little bit of information.

    In the end, I guess this what I wanna say: Y´all are doing a great job in a difficult environment!
  6. You are a messenger of "possibly accurate" information which is subjective to change and to be taken with a grain of salt. People try often to shoot the messenger (figuratively) when their expectations are not met. Fvck them (people).

    The most important thing is: are you doing something illegal, unethical or immoral. If the answer to these questions is no, then there is no need to bother about feelings of people's expectations and the joy or sorrow or hatred generated from their own expectations.
  7. You are a messenger of "possibly accurate" information which is subjective to change and to be taken with a grain of salt. People try often to shoot the messenger (figuratively) when their expectations are not met. Fvck them (people).

    The most important thing is: are you doing something illegal, unethical or immoral. If the answer to these questions is no, then there is no need to bother about feelings of people's expectations and the joy or sorrow or hatred generated from their own expectations.

    That's why I can tell you what I may see, but I can never post it if the person explicitly says not to.

    I had an image from a Canon R&D computer screen about upcoming products, Richard has seen it. Two of the lenses on that list never came to be.

    I know for a fact an R7 C was planned, but it never came to be... and I do believe that was definitely the right call.

    I will still never post the image, but that's the sort of thing I have to go on. Keep it ethical and yes, legal.
  8. I did notice that the CR rating seems to be less "visible" these days :)

    I think it has run its course. We can use words in posts to convey our feelings about the information. We live in a headline world, and that can be detrimental.
  9. I think it has run its course. We can use words in posts to convey our feelings about the information. We live in a headline world, and that can be detrimental.
    I think you underestimate the benefit of the ratings. I’ve used it in defense of this site. “Canon Rumors said…. And it didn’t happen! They lie all the time!!” Well it was rated at CR0. They were just passing along idle gossip. Sharing things they heard.
  10. That's why I can tell you what I may see, but I can never post it if the person explicitly says not to.

    I had an image from a Canon R&D computer screen about upcoming products, Richard has seen it. Two of the lenses on that list never came to be.

    I know for a fact an R7 C was planned, but it never came to be... and I do believe that was definitely the right call.

    I will still never post the image, but that's the sort of thing I have to go on. Keep it ethical and yes, legal.

    Keep up the good work. The line is always fine and blurred. So doing the right thing is very important even if it means people (some or many) being butt hurt. To which again fvck them.
  11. Good article :) thx for giving a "behind-the-scene" look of a rumors site.

    I´ve kind of given up hoping for the internet or Internet forums to be place for civilized conversation. It is crazy that people on YouTube can make up absolutely fake spec´d cameras and claim SoNiCon has to produce it or otherwise there will a shitstorm...

    I like this forum because there mostly very pleasant people here, very few trolls (compared to other sites) and I like the articles (especially about patents as well as the deal zone). I'll admit, some articles (updates on rumored lens announcements) may seem like clickbait, but I always figure some readers are very happy and eager to hear any news, even if there is little information. Especially, if they're waiting for a particular lens (such as RF 35mm L). If I don't care about that news, I just don't comment or complain (like 70-200mm F2.8 Z) but for other lenses (like 200-800mm) I was happy for a every little bit of information.

    In the end, I guess this what I wanna say: Y´all are doing a great job in a difficult environment!
    our mods are the unsung heroes!
  12. The tone of your articles is always “Here’s what MIGHT be coming…and here’s WHY we think so”. To me, the “grain of salt” is plainly implied. But rationality and logic often don’t work on the internet.

    Given that I am happy with my R5 as it is and the lenses I have, for me this is all idle curiosity, but I find it amusing to watch people passionately argue about things that may or may not even exist. I fully expect that when the facts about the R1 and R5II are finally known, forums will be FULL of people admitting they were wrong and apologizing. (Just in case you need these: /S /S /S).

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