Leica achieved the best results in their history

I am living near Frankfurt am Main and have been at Leica in Solms and Wetzlar several times for repair and maintance of analog an digital Leicas (R-System and M-System). Always nice to be there. Did i told you the story that they repaired a shutter for me without any charges? Somebody fixed it for free - leica customer service.
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I am living near Frankfurt am Main and have been at Leica in Solms and Wetzlar several times for repair and maintance of analog an digital Leicas (R-System and M-System). Always nice to be there. Did i told you the story that they repaired a shutter for me without any charges? Somebody fixed it for free - leica customer service.
I've had a few similar experiences with Leica's Customer Service.
But also the exact opposite! I remember that, in the mid-eighties, they wanted to charge 480 D-Marks to fix the shutter bounce on my Leicaflex. I tried myself, and fixed it in less than 15 minutes. The hardest was to understand how to remove the bottom cover...
Also, I had had an issue with a digital M they were unable to solve (extremely high power consumption). Fortunately, I knew an unconventional way to obtain satisfaction.
But they usually try to help when you show up in Wetzlar, and often for free, except for complex repairs, of course.
And a factory visit is highly recommended, always impressive with which care and craftmanship they assemble lenses. These lenses are just brilliant. Period!
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Whatever you think of Leica, they are obviously doing a lot of things right. They have reported that they have had the best financial results in their history. They claim they have seen growth in every region. Leica was on the brink of bankruptcy in 2004, and were saved by Andreas Kaufmann and his private

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I agree, the SL series is well made, reliable, but behind competition for AF.
Also, I don't buy Leica to mount Sigma lenses, there simply aren't enough "real" native Leica SL lenses.
But I still enjoy using the M system, and not only for the lenses. I'd really miss the rangefinder experience. I don't care whether AF is faster, photography isn't only and always about being the fastest. I know it's hard to understand for non M shooters.
And yes, the cheapest quartz watch is more precise than a Patek Philippe, but where's the pleasure? Thanks God, we humans are not only boring rational creatures.
My two Euro cents...
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I am living near Frankfurt am Main and have been at Leica in Solms and Wetzlar several times for repair and maintance of analog an digital Leicas (R-System and M-System). Always nice to be there. Did i told you the story that they repaired a shutter for me without any charges? Somebody fixed it for free - leica customer service.
Ever been to the craft-beer brewery in Michelstadt? The blond ale is excellent!
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Michelstädter Rathausbräu? I am always on tour (official - dienstlich) in Süd-Hessen, and of course also in the Odenwald, i will have a look, perhaps for lunch - but no beer on duty. :)
Genau! (My wife drives me home after the "visit".) German industrial beer has become so boring, due to standardized taste, that I'm always happy to find a good craftbeer. The same happened in Alsace, beer was brewed for the "Parisian taste", meaning less hops, less malt, less bitterness (less taste). Now we have about 200 small breweries in Alsace producing a beverage which can again be named "beer". This happy development came from the USA, where the big ones produced some cat-piss, more and more customers started to reject. That's when craftbeers were born, later on they came to Europe.
PS: Long live Leica!
PPS: Rathausbräu sells beer in bottles to take home! No excuse!
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